Controversial Abia Airstrip: A Different Perspective
By Chief Obinna Oriaku
I have another perspective to this airport issue. My first concern is coming from the rejection of the site by the villagers . They said that the government should use the old site which they had initially donated during TA adminstration which is same Okezie referred in his plan towards an airport.
They believe abandoning the old site which C of O has been issued to a new site has shrieked their land bank for farming and other development. We need to know why the state abandoned the old site and if they can officially hand back that old site to the original owners (villagers)so that both are not taken away at same time from the villagers .They complained that some of their land were taken away for the Ntigha dry port , The Games village etc
The fixation of about airport. Most times when we try to compare other states infrastructural development, we are reminded that Abia is more challenged than other states and may not have the luxury of going into some of these projects like old state like Enugu . Why the airport when by order of priority, we have more pressing issues to attend .
The history of state airports and why Abia many not be different. There is a huge difference between an air strip and airport . Most air strip come without basic of an airport, they just clear a table land with asphalt for landing and take off .
What is the full meaning of airstrip?
a long, flat piece of land from which trees, rocks, etc. have been removed so that aircraft can take off and land: We landed at a tiny airstrip in the middle of the jungle. Synonyms. landing strip. runway (AIRCRAFT)
What is the difference between an airport and an airstrip?
The main difference between an airport and an airstrip is the scale, infrastructure, and services provided:
An authorized space for aircraft to take off and land, with extensive facilities and services for passengers and airlines. Airports are usually subject to stricter regulations and certifications, especially those serving commercial passenger flights. Larger airports may require multiple runways, extensive terminal apron areas, and large parking lots.
Other terms for airports include aerodrome and airfield. The military commonly uses the term "airfield" to describe its aerodromes.
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Airstrip Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
25 Nov 2024 — air·strip ˈer-ˌstrip. Synonyms of airstrip. : a runway without normal air base or airport.
The narrative that FG is doing an air strip should be clear that an airstrip is just for light aircrafts which include private jet and military jets to land and take off within Nigeria
Abia state is fully engaging in airport development, the small run way for air strip should never be confused for an airport. We should know that 94% of the cost of a full fledged airport will be borne by Abia state . Are we ready for this project in face of competing needs.
Beyond the viability or non viability of these airports, most state executive embark on airport even when feasibility report show otherwise . Asaba airport is still the most expensive state airport in history . It is alleged that successive govts used that project as facades to sort out issues.
Ebonyi airport is another example of how not to construct an airport with its associated cost . Today, the state is struggling to justify that investment by diving into an area only shark's trade which is airline business. They have plans of acquiring 3 aircraft to start Ebonyi air .😁
As widely travelled as an average Anambra man is , the airport done by Willy Obiano is still laying fallow . Their saving grace is that Airspace and United Nigeria air are owned by Anambra indigenes. That airport would have shut down and over taken by reptiles.
The Zamfara airport, Jigawa airport and Ekiti airport are all sad stories of misplaced priority which have been alluded by even the initators of these projects long after they left government.
Ibom air was birthed when Akwa Ibom discovered that the airport was fallow after spending billion in that project though their is a thought out plan in their long term development strategy. They identified tourism as a key area hence Ibom resort and golf center. They are expanding with Boeing to develop a service centre for C checks of some aircrafts in Akwa Ibom intead of going to Europe for such routine checks. Are we ready of Abia Air .Do we have the numbers , Do we have the infrastructure to drive it . How viable is this airport project. What are the other sweeteners to this airport.
It is alleged that airport projects among state governments have become a veritable tools in retiring those figures that are difficult. Let us be very careful.